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plant care

African Violet

African violets are one of the world's most popular houseplants and for good reason. These compact, low-growing plants are distinguished by a rosette of thick, fuzzy leaves and violet-like flowers that bloom just above the evergreen foliage. And don't be put off my their reputation for difficulty, they will be thriving with just a few simple rules.

• Can be challenging without a care routine
• Needs warmth, humidity, & moist soil
• Pet friendly!

Light: Will thrive in warm bright conditions, but not direct sunlight. Near a south- or west- facing window is a great location.

Water: Keep soil moist with warm water and strive for high humidity. Recommend a pebble tray filled with water nearby. Do not allow water to contact the leaves of the plant to prevent damage, other than light misting. Water from below, or push the water spout into the soil when watering. Don't allow the plant to sit in water.

Pet Friendly? Yes! This plant is non-toxic for your furry friends.

Air Plant & Xerographia

Easy, breezy and oh-so-fun! Also known as Tillandsia, air plants are great accent plants that add arid texture to your collection. Their larger cousin, Xerographia, is just as wild and twice the size!

• Textured & easy to care for
• Watered through submersion in water
• Pet friendly!

Light: These long fingered plants will do best in bright indirect light. Smaller air plants should be kept out of direct sunlight.

Water: Keep soil slightly moist and never allow it to dry out completely. Water indoor plants about once a week or when the top of the soil is dry to the touch. Anthuriums love humidity so place a pebble tray underneath the pot or nearby to increase the moisture in the air. You can also mist the plant every other day.

Pet Friendly? No. This plant is toxic to furry friends.


Also called flamingo flowers for their unique, bright red, green, and white colors, they can bloom repeatedly for long periods. Blooming varieties are distinctive with heart-shaped waxy spathes (i.e., modified leaf around the flower) and red or yellow spikes. Many anthuriums are climbers, and all need high humidity and warmth to thrive.

• Produces stunning heart-shaped blooms called spathes
• Long-lasting & requires consistent watering
• Requires warmth and high humidity

Light: Anthuriums prefer sun over shade but too much direct light can scorch the leaves. Inadequate light causes poor growth and few flowers. The ideal location for your plant provides six hours of bright, indirect sunlight daily.

Water: Keep soil slightly moist and never allow it to dry out completely. Water indoor plants about once a week or when the top of the soil is dry to the touch. Anthuriums love humidity so place a pebble tray underneath the pot or nearby to increase the moisture in the air. You can also mist the plant every other day.

Pet Friendly? No. This plant is toxic to furry friends.


With evergreen leaves and blooms in a rich range of colors from deep reds to pastel pinks and pure white, azaleas bring sophistication and color. Although they can be a tricky indoor plant, azalea plants can be a beautiful addition to the home with the right routine.

• Featured stunning blooms surrounded by evergreen foliage
• Known for being tricky, but thrive with right routine
• Soil must remain moist, but not waterlogged, to prolong blooms

Light: Place this plant in a spot where it will receive bright, indirect light. Near a south- or west- facing window is a great location.

Water: Moisture is the biggest concern with azaleas. Never allow the plant to dry out. This is vital to the health of the plant. While watering from the top may provide sufficient care, indoor azaleas enjoy the occasional dunk, pot and all, in a larger container of water. When the bubbles stop, pull it out, and let it drain. Keep their soil damp, not soggy. Getting into a habit of checking every other day will be the best way to keep your azalea happy and thriving!

Pet Friendly? No. This plant is toxic to furry friends.

Bird of Paradise

These regal giants are a show-stopping tropical plant. Known for their large split leaves, they are named for the bright orange flowers they produce. While they will likely not produce any flowers as a houseplant, they are a wonderful addition to your home.

• Known for its large split leaves
• Needs bright indirect light to thrive
• Appreciates filtered water

Light: Thrives in bright to direct sunlight. It is not suited for low light conditions.

Water: Water every 1-2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between watering. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light. Pro tip: Birds of Paradise can benefit from filtered water or water left out overnight before using.

Pet Friendly? Yes! This plant is non-toxic for your furry friends.

Bromeliad, Aechmea

Aechmea are a stunning variety of Bromeliad that is surprisingly easy to care for. Its silver striped leaves unfurl beautifully from its base to highlight the brightly colored bloom. Not only are these plants long-lasting, but they are perfect for the beginner who likes unique and interesting plants. While the care is specific, it’s easy to find your routine!

• Easy-to-care-for & long lasting
• Unique care method, but easy with practice
• Pet friendly!

Light: This plant will thrive in bright indirect light but is tolerant of bright morning light. Do not place in harsh afternoon sun.

Water: Water every 1-2 weeks, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings. If your plant is in brighter light, it will need to be watered more often and less often in lower light. Bromeliads have a central cup that should be 1/2 full with water at all times and flushed every 1-2 months to prevent bacteria. Humidity is much appreciated through misting or with a pebble tray filled with water. This plant is sensitive to the harsh minerals in tap water, so distilled, rainwater, or reverse-osmosis water is best.

Pet Friendly? Yes! This plant is non-toxic for your furry friends.

Bromeliad, Cryptanthus

Also known as Earth Stars, the Cryptanthus Bromeliad is recognized for its rosette-shaped arrangement of leaves that are beautifully patterned and varied. From dark green to bright pink to red, they can be banded, spotted, solid, or almost any other pattern.

• Highly varied & beautifully patterned
• Unique watering methods
• Place in bright indirect light
• Pet friendly!

Light: This plant will thrive in bright indirect light but is tolerant of bright morning light. Do not place in harsh afternoon sun.

Water: Water every 1-2 weeks, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings. If your plant is in brighter light, it will need to be watered more often and less often in lower light. Bromeliads have a central cup that should be 1/2 full with water at all times and flushed every 1-2 months to prevent bacteria. Humidity is much appreciated through misting or with a pebble tray filled with water. This plant is sensitive to the harsh minerals in tap water, so distilled, rainwater, or reverse-osmosis water is best.

Pet Friendly? Yes! This plant is non-toxic for your furry friends.

Bromeliad, Guzmania

Guzmania Bromeliads add significant intrigue, color and beauty to your Green Space. They have long, slender evergreen leaves that are topped by a single brilliant inflorescence of tongue-like petals.

• Stunning growth & bloom color
• Unique care method, but easy with practice
• Pet friendly!

Light: This plant will thrive in bright indirect light but is tolerant of bright morning light. Do not place in harsh afternoon sun.

Water: Water every 1-2 weeks, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings. If your plant is in brighter light, it will need to be watered more often and less often in lower light. Bromeliads have a central cup that should be 1/2 full with water at all times and flushed every 1-2 months to prevent bacteria. Humidity is much appreciated through misting or with a pebble tray filled with water. This plant is sensitive to the harsh minerals in tap water, so distilled, rainwater, or reverse-osmosis water is best.

Pet Friendly? Yes! This plant is non-toxic for your furry friends.

Bromeliad, Neoregelia

The Neoregelia Bromeliad is a showstopper with its brightly colored center and distinctive growth pattern, growing short and wide. Absolutely a statement piece in any space. Bromeliads do have unique care patterns, but once you establish a routine, they are an easy plant to care for.

• Distinctive growth pattern & coloring
• Unique care method, but easy with practice
• Pet friendly!

Light: This plant will thrive in bright indirect light but is tolerant of bright morning light. Do not place in harsh afternoon sun.

Water: Water every 1-2 weeks, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings. If your plant is in brighter light, it will need to be watered more often and less often in lower light. Bromeliads have a central cup that should be 1/2 full with water at all times and flushed every 1-2 months to prevent bacteria. Humidity is much appreciated through misting or with a pebble tray filled with water. This plant is sensitive to the harsh minerals in tap water, so distilled, rainwater, or reverse-osmosis water is best.

Pet Friendly? Yes! This plant is non-toxic for your furry friends.


These prickly plants are well worth adding to your green collection for their low maintenance qualities Its spines set it apart from other succulent varieties (yes, it's a succulent!) and can be the smallest of small to towering giants.

• Comes in a variety of sizes, shapes and colors
• Very low maintenance & perfect for beginners
• Prefers bright indirect light & water every 2 weeks

Light: Thrives in bright direct light, but can tolerate bright indirect light. Low light will stunt their growth.

Water: You should only need to water every 10-14 days in the summer and 2-3 weeks in the winter. Being an arid plant, cacti are very drought resistant, being able to store water.

Pet Friendly? No. This plant is toxic to furry friends.


Calathea—characterized by boldly marked, oblong leaves in a dazzling array of colors—includes some of the most beautiful tropical plants in the world. However, they can be hard to care for, as they have a reputation for being somewhat fussy about thier growing conditions. A wide range of varieties.

• Needs regualr watering, consistent light, and humidity
• Comes in a wide variety of colors, leaf patterns, and shapes
• Fussy but will thrive with the right routine

Light: Thrives in medium to bright indirect light, but can tolerate low indirect light.

Water: Water every 1-2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out half way down between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light. This plant can benefit from extra humidity. Calatheas can be sensitive to hard tap water. Try using filtered water or leaving water out overnight before using.

Pet Friendly? No. This plant is toxic to furry friends.

Calathea, Beauty Star

While the plant is very beautiful, it is important to understand that with great beauty comes great responsibility. You need to give them the right care and deal with their fussy nature for them to illuminate your space with an elegant and refreshing vibe.

• Known for oval leaves with neon green and white stripes
• Loves moisture and bright indirect light
• Fussy but will thrive with the right routine

Light: Place your plant in a place where it can get filtered bright but indirect light. Try to give your plant the early morning sunlight, which will be more than enough.

Water: Water every week with filtered or rain water. Keep your calatheas as moist as possible.

Pet Friendly? No. This plant is toxic to furry friends.

Cliff Cotyledon

Cliff Cotyledon is a trailing plant recognized for its long, slender stems are adorned with lemon-green leaves that produce a refreshing scent. Caring for this plant is a simple process that requires minimal effort.

• Part of the succulent family
• Can produce coral or pink blooms
• Needs bright indirect sunlight and sporadic watering

Light: Bright indirect sunlight is best for this plant and shouldn't be exposed to direct light.

Water: As a succulent, this plant can store water and should only need to be watered every 2-3 weeks. When you do water, soak thoroughly.

Pet Friendly? No. This plant is toxic to furry friends.


Dracaena come in many shapes and sizes, from tall cane-like trees to grass like bushes. Its leaves can be beautifully variegated and come in an array of colors.

• Comes in a variety of colors and sizes
• Leaves can be variegated
• Can survive in medium to low light

Light: This plant will do best in bright indirect light, but can tolerate medium to low indirect light.

Water: Water every 1-2 weeks in the spring and summer, keeping the soil damp to the touch. In the winter, allow them to go drier (every 2 weeks).

Pet Friendly? No. This plant is toxic to furry friends.

Ficus elastica

Also known as a Rubber Tree, Ficus elastica is a wonderful houseplant recommended for its air-purifying properties. They come in a variety of colors and patterns but all have wide glossy leaves that are hearty and perfect for beginners.

• Commonly called Rubber Tree
• Air-purifying & perfect for beginners
• Will thrive in bright indirect to medium light

Light: Provide bright, indirect to medium light. If its colors begin to fade, the plant is not receiving enough light and needs a new location.

Water: Best to water every 1-2 weeks, allowing the solid to dry out between waterings. If the plant is in a brighter location, water might be needed more often.

Pet Friendly? No. This plant is toxic to furry friends.

Ficus Tree

The ficus tree may look like a basic plant with narrow and droopy, glossy green leaves, but it is a tropical specimen that has very specific growing requirements. While it is finicky, be prepared for some specific care requirements.

• Tropical plant with narrow ruffled dark green leaves
• Typically finicky & has specific care
• Need bright indirect light and even watering every week

Light: Ficus plants need bright light. They appreciate being moved outside in summer but do not place them in direct sunlight.

Water: Water when the top 2 inches of soil has dried out. Simply check with your finger every week or so. Water the ficus evenly throughout the summer by giving it water until it begins to run out of the drain holes at the bottom (remove excess water so the tree is not sitting in moisture). Reduce the amount of watering in the winter.

Pet Friendly? No. This plant is toxic to furry friends.

Fiddle Leaf Fig

Fiddle-leaf fig (Ficus lyrata) sometimes gets a finicky reputation. It's not the easiest houseplant to grow, but its lovely large leaves and tree form make it worth a little effort and a good choice even for the beginning gardener. These small trees are well adapted to indoor temperatures and filtered light and are hardy enough to survive less-than-ideal conditions.

• Stunning wide ruffled leaves with distinct veins
• Reputation for being challenging for beginners
• Needs bright indirect light & consistent watering every week

Light: Fiddle-leaf figs grow and look their best with bright, indirect light. Direct sunlight can burn the leaves; especially exposure to hot afternoon sun.

Water: Water every week. They like a moderate amount of moisture in the soil. If the plant doesn’t get enough water, leaves wilt and lose their bright green color. Too much water and it might drop leaves and succumb to root rot. Filtered or distilled water is best for watering.

Pet Friendly? No. This plant is toxic to furry friends.

Fishtail Palm

Fishtail palms are famous for their large and uniquely shaped leaves. The fan-like, rough-edged foliage closely resembles the tail fin of a fish, which is where the name originates.

• Unique leaves resembing a fishtail
• Must have bright indirect ligtht, morning sun is best
• Soil should remain damp

Light: Will thrive in bright indirect light. Place them near a window that receives morning sun followed by indirect light the rest of the day.

Water: Soil should stay slightly damp, neither dry nor soggy. Water every few days or whenever the soil feels dry to the touch. If damp soil clings to your fingertip, wait for another day then check again.

Pet Friendly? No. This plant is toxic to furry friends.


Caring for potted hydrangeas is very similar to hydrangeas in the landscape, with the exception that they need more frequent watering and fertilization.

• Features beautiful heads of cloud-like blooms
• Requires dappled sunlight to flower
• Consistent watering every week to keep soil moist

Light: Dappled sun is best for potted hydrangea where they receive bright, indirect light.

Water: Keep soil evenly moist and water just as the soil becomes dry to the touch, about every week.

Pet Friendly? No. This plant is toxic to furry friends.


Kalanchoe is a popular houseplant because it's drought tolerant and easy to grow. In tropical and subtropical climates, it can be grown outdoors as a perennial. In colder climates, it's typically grown as an indoor plant.

• Extremely popular for being drought tolerant
• Easy to grow
• Needs bright indirect light & water every 1-2 weeks

Light: Place kalanchoe in a warm indoor location with bright, indirect light. or place it in a full sun outdoor location that has protection from late afternoon sun.

Water: Water every 1-2 weeks, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings. If your plant is in brighter light, it will need to be watered more often and less often in lower light.

Pet Friendly? No. This plant is toxic to furry friends.

Money Tree

The money tree is a species native to Central and South America that has become an attractive, easy-care houseplant thanks to its hardy nature. Most commonly, money trees are sold as small plants with a braided trunk made up of three, five, or seven stems.

• Believed to create positive "chi"
• Commonly have a braided trunk
• Soil should be kept evenly moist

Light: Thrives in bright indirect to medium light.

Water: Water every 1-2 weeks, keeping it evenly moist. Reduce watering in fall and winter. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

Pet Friendly? No. This plant is toxic to furry friends.

Neanthe Bella Palm

This tropical beauty is a popular palm for a reason. Its long feathery fronds are beautifully enticing and are perfect to add texture and interest to spaces. They are also easy to care for, making them perfect for beginners!

• Popular for its long feathery fronds & tropical vibes
• Easy-to-care-for & low light tolerant
• Pet friendly!

Light: Thrives in medium to bright indirect light, but can tolerate low indirect light. Not suited for intense, direct sun as this will burn its delicate fronds.

Water: Water every 1-2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light. This plant can benefit from extra humidity.

Pet Friendly? Yes! This plant is non-toxic for your furry friends.

Orchid, Cattleya

Cattleya orchid are one of the few orchids that will continue to bloom year after year. They are a hearty orchid that can take more abuse than their counterparts, perfect for beginner enthusiasts.

• Perfect for beginner orchid enthusiasts
• Continuous blooming
• Pet friendly!

Light: Cattleya need abundant though not intense light in order to grow and flower well. Growing in an east window is ideal, as the early morning sun is very important, although, a south-facing window will work well as long as it is shaded from harsh winter sun.

Water: Water every week, or when the potting medium feels dry almost to the bottom of the pot. Simply feel with your finger. If in doubt, do not water and wait another day or two.

Pet Friendly? Yes! This plant is non-toxic for your furry friends.

Orchid, Miltoniopsis & Miltonia

Slightly less well-known, Miltoniopsis are a stunning orchid variety that is sometimes called a "pansy orchid" for the shape of its blooms and delicate foliage. Notably, this orchid variety is less heartier than other orchids like Phalaenopsis and require slightly different care.

• Also called a "Pansy Orchid" for their bloom shape
• More delicate than other orchid varieties
• Needs watering every 3-5 days
• Pet friendly!

Light: Like other orchid varieties, Miltonia will thrive in indirect light as their thin foliage will burn in bright light.

Water: Water every 3-5 days, not allowing your Meltonopsis to dry out between watering, These orchids can be quite sensitive to the harsh minerals in tap water, so distilled, rainwater, or reverse-osmosis water is best.

Pet Friendly? Yes! This plant is non-toxic for your furry friends.

Orchid, Oncidium

Oncidiums are popular indoor orchids for a very good reason—their large sprays of flowers often sag with dozens of blooms, the shape of the flower resembles a sashaying dress.

• Features large sprays of small blooms
• Prefer bright morning sun & consistent watering.
• Pet friendly!

Light: Oncidiums can handle direct morning light and even prefer bright to very bright conditions. A west- or south-facing window is best.

Water: While some varieties of Oncidium orchids differ in their needs, most need to be watered every 2-10 days. Be sure to use room temperature water when the potting medium is half-dry.

Pet Friendly? Yes! This plant is non-toxic for your furry friends.

Orchid, Paphiopedilum

Also known as a Lady Slipper Orchid, are unlike any other orchid. They are recognized for their striking appearance, each with a unique pouch and stunning patterning on their leaves and bloom. Not only are they stunning to look at, but are fairly easy to care for once a routine is set.

• Known as Lady Slipper
• Striking appearance with many colorful varieties
• Likes to stay damp and in dappled light
• Pet friendly!

Light: Indirect light is best for Paphiopedilums, so east-facing window with direct sunlight in the mornings, or west- or south-facing windows, work well. Avoid placing them directly on the windowsill as intense direct light will scorch the plant.

Water: Ensure that your orchid stays damp by watering every 5-7 days. If you don't see condensation on the walls of the grow pot, it's time to water. These orchids can be quite sensitive to the harsh minerals in tap water, so distilled, rainwater, or reverse-osmosis water is best.

Pet Friendly? Yes! This plant is non-toxic for your furry friends.

Orchid, Phalaenopsis

One of the most popular varieties of orchid, the Phalaenopsis orchid is an easy-to-care-for houseplant that will bring beauty and color to any space. They often bear multiple blooms on their long arching stems, which can last for two to three months.

• Low-maintenance & easy to care
• Big blooms that will last 2-3 months
• Needs bright light and room temperature water

Light: Choose a location with plenty of bright, indirect light, like a south- or west-facing window, for your orchid to produce its beautiful blooms.

Water: Water every 1-2 weeks, avoiding the leaves and allowing the potting medium to dry out between waterings. Room temperature water is best for orchids, as they are a tropical plant, and tend to appreciate humidity.

Pet Friendly? Yes! This plant is non-toxic for your furry friends.


Most Peperomia boast thick, fleshy leaves that contribute to their drought tolerance and vigor. All peperomia plants are low maintenance, slow-growing, and can be planted year-round. Plus, evidence shows they may remove toxins from the air.

• Perfect for beginners
• Beautiful foliage all- year
• Air-purifying & drought resistant

Light: Does best in medium to bright indirect light and should be protected from direct sunlight.

Water: Water every 1-2 weeks. Allow the top two inches of the soil to dry out between waterings. Keeping the peperomia on the dry side is better than saturating it.

Pet Friendly? No. This plant is toxic to furry friends.

Philodendron, Birkin

Philodendron Birkin is a sought-after variety of philodendron because of the unique creamy white or yellow streaks on the green leaves. Slow-growing and compact, it's a great plant for small spaces.

• Perfect for small-spaces
• Beautiful foliage
• Will thrive in medium to bright sunlight

Light: Thrives in med-bright indirect light. Not suited for direct afternoon sun.

Water: Watering thoroughly and allowing the top few inches of soil to dry out before topping up the moisture level works best. About 1-2 weeks.

Pet Friendly? No. This plant is toxic to furry friends.

Philodendron, Brasil

Philodendron Brasil adds a splash of citrus-inspired charm to any space. Its trailing peachy vines are lined with those iconic heart-shaped leaves, streaked with lime green variegation. Low maintenance and perfect for beginner plant lovers.

• Large heart-shaped leaves with lime green variegation
• Will show of best colors in bright light
• Water regularly but do not overwater or leave soil soggy

Light: Philodendron Brasil will show off its best variegation in bright, indirect light. While it will do well In low-light conditions, the plant will get leggy and lose its variegation.

Water: Water this plant when the top 2 inches or so of the soil have dried out. Simply check with your finger once a week and then water well. Philodendron Brasil is sensitive to overwatering and should never be left in soggy soil for extended periods.

Pet Friendly? No. This plant is toxic to furry friends.

Philodendron, Micans

Known for its velvety, heart-shaped leaves that grow along vining stems, this plant is a stunning variety of philodendron that is extremely easy to care for. It can be challenging to get a hold of, but treasured when acquired. Get yours while we have them!

• Heart-shaped leaves with velvety texture
• Easy to care for
• Water regularly

Light: Bright indirect light is ideal, but the plant will be fine in lower light as well. Note that low light will affect the leaves’ color.

Water: These philodendrons are sensitive to overwatering so ensure that you are only watering when the first 2-3 inches of soil are dry. A little extra humidity for your Micans will help to boost its growth.

Pet Friendly? No. This plant is toxic to furry friends.

Philodendron, Red Congo

While this plant is large and in charge, it is so easy to care for and will add stunning color to your collection with its signature rusty red and green foliage.

• Large glossy leaves in deed red to deep green
• Robust growth
• Easy to care for

Light: Medium to bright indirect light is best for the Red Congo. No direct sun, as it will scorch the leaves.

Water: Water thoroughly when the top 1-2” of soil has dried out, avoid over watering or allowing the soil to become soggy

Pet Friendly? No. This plant is toxic to furry friends.

Philodendron, Ring of Fire

This rare philodendron features long, multi-color leaves with jagged-edges. It gets its name due to the shades of green, red, orange and cream adorning the foliage. As a philodendron it is easy to care for.

• Unusual long, deeply serrated foliage
• Stunning variegations
• Bright indirect light will make the colors POP!

Light: Maintain the plants unique color variegations by providing bright indirect light

Water: Water thoroughly when the top 1-2” of soil is dry; avoid letting the soil get soggy or waterlogged

Pet Friendly? No. This plant is toxic to furry friends.


Pilea are known for their bright green, coin-shaped leaves. They grow well in dry conditions, can adapt to low light areas, and are fast-growing, making them low-maintenance and great for beginner plant owners. Also known as a Chinese Money Plant.

• Also known as a Chinese Money Plant for its coin-shaped leaves
• Fast-growing and low-maintenance
• Pet friendly!

Light: Thrives in bright direct light, but can tolerate bright to medium indirect light.

Water: Water every 1-2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

Pet Friendly? Yes! This plant is non-toxic for your furry friends.

Ponytail Palm

Ponytail palms are known for their large, domed “stump,” with rosettes of long, green, leathery leaves sprouting from the top. It is an extremely slow-growing plant that will need time to show you its full growth potential.

• One-of-a-kind plant with long, leathery leaves
• Slow-growing & will love a few hours of warm direct
• Pet friendly!

Light: Thrives in bright indirect to direct light.

Water: They are a very drought resistant plant, preferring to dry out completely in between waterings. When you do water, give them a thorough soak, allowing the excess water to drain out, and then forget about them for a few weeks. Just check the soil with your finger before rewatering.

Pet Friendly? Yes! This plant is non-toxic for your furry friends.


Pothos (Epipremnum aureum) is one of the easiest houseplants to care for and an excellent choice for beginning growers. It's a tropical vine easily trained to climb a support or trail from a pot or hanging basket. Adaptability and minimum maintenance make it a great plant for any houseplant collection. Available in a wide range of varieties: Neon, Golden, Siler Satin, N'joy, Marble Queen.

• Long trailing vine that come in a variety of colors and patterns
• Very low-maintenance, perfect for beginners
• Able to grow in low light

Light: Thrives in medium to low indirect light. Not suited for intense, direct sun.

Water: Water every 1-2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

Pet Friendly? No. This plant is toxic to furry friends.

Prayer Plant

The prayer plant (Maranta leuconeura) is one of the most distinguishable tropical houseplants thanks to its beautiful decorative foliage. It gets its common name from its leaves, which stay flat during the day and then fold up like praying hands at night.

• Stunning patterned foliage that moves!
• Loves damp soil with regular watering
• Pet friendly!

Light: Bright to medium indirect sunlight will allow your prayer plant to thrive. Avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight which can burn this plant's delicate leaves.

Water: Keep the soil of your prayer plant evenly moist, watering once the top layer of soil has dried out. This will likely be once or twice a week during the spring and summer, and once a week during the fall and winter. These sensitive plants prefer filtered or distilled water where possible.

Pet Friendly? Yes! This plant is non-toxic for your furry friends.

Rope Hoya

Rope Hoya, also called Hindu Rope, is a semi-succulent, vine-like species known for its waxy foliage, unique curling leaves, and striking blooms. It is easy to care for, though it may be slow-growing. Patience and plenty of humidity will make this plant a happy one.

• Unique foliage that is very slow growing
• Low maintenance & perfect for beginners
• Allow top 50% of soil to dry out between watering

Light: Bright but indirect or filtered light, such as light coming through a thin curtain. Avoid positioning in a window that receives extended exposure to direct afternoon sun.

Water: Regular watering when the soil is 50% fully dried out, about every week or so. Misting them every few days or placing the plant container over a pebble tray with water will help provide the humidity that this plant loves.

Pet Friendly? No. This plant is toxic to furry friends.

Sago Palm

Weirdly the sago palm is not in the palm tree family, but they are a completely unique houseplant all the same! This plant is fairly low maintenance, slow-growing with long feather-like foliage that grows out in a symmetric ring from its base.

• Unique polant with feather-like fronds
• Slow-growing & low maintenance
• Water every 1-2 weeks and appreciates humidity

Light: Sago plants appreciate a warm and bright spot away from direct sunlight.

Water: Water every 1-2 weeks. These plants are sensitive to overwatering so make sure that the soil dries out on the surface between waterings. Misting them with a spray bottle will increase the humidity of their environment, which they love!

Pet Friendly? No. This plant is toxic to furry friends.


Sansevieria are one of the most popular plants among new plant parents for their easy going nature and adaptability. They can commonly be called Snake Plants for their long foliage and unique patterning.

• Commonly called Snake Plants
• Fairly drought resistant
• Can tolerate low light very well

Light: Thrives in medium to bright indirect light, but can tolerate low indirect light.

Water: Water every 2-3 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

Pet Friendly? No. This plant is toxic to furry friends.

Schefflera (Umbrella Plant)

Schefflera, commonly called umbrella plants or trees, make excellent tropical houseplants. The larger Schefflera actinophylla features long, shiny, oval green leaves that droop gracefully from a central stalk, resembling an umbrella. Schefflera arboricola (dwarf schefflera) features smaller, glossy leaves, sometimes with creamy variegation.

• Commonly called Umbrella Plant
• Long, shiny leaves that droop from a stalk, giving it its name
• Loves bright, indirect light and a humid environment

Light: Needs bright, indirect light, but not direct sun. The plant will become leggy and floppy if they are not receiving enough light.

Water: Water every 1-2 weeks, allowing the soil to completely dry out, then give it a deep and thorough soaking. Misting the plant with water will make this tropical plant every happy.

Pet Friendly? No. This plant is toxic to furry friends.

Spathiphyllum (Peace Lily)

More commonly known as the Peace Lily, they have large, glossy, oval leaves with blooms of white. A healthy peace lily might bloom twice a year, resulting in several months of flowers.

• Known a Peace Lilies & given as a sign of tranquility and harmony
• Features blooms of white with dark green glossy leaves
• Will droop when they need to be watered, about once a week

Light: An east-facing window is a prime spot to place a peace lily in your house, as they need bright light but prefer filtered light.

Water: In general, water when the top inch of soil has dried out. Simply check with your finger every week or so. Peace lilies are a dramatic plant that will droop when they need a drink. Filtered or distilled water is best for watering.

Pet Friendly? No. This plant is toxic to furry friends.

Spider Plant

Despite their creepy-crawly name, spider plants are among the most popular houseplants to grow. often grown in containers as hanging plants due to the cascading nature of their foliage and their long stems with plantlets that resemble miniature spider plants.

• Long feathery leaves with lime green striping
• Pet-friendly!
• Loves humidity and warmth

Light: A bright window or patio door that gets indirect sun is ideal.

Water: Spider plants like lightly moist but not soggy soil. Overwatering can cause root rot and ultimately kill the plant. These plants are sensitive to fluoride and chlorine in water, so if possible, use rainwater or distilled water.

Pet Friendly? Yes! This plant is non-toxic for your furry friends.

Stromanthe, Triostar

A member of the prayer plant family, the triostar folds its leaves up at night, and it can often be confused with the similar calathea plant. Triostar stromanthe care can be a challenge, but it will reward you with its impressive, full variegate foliage with vibrant shades of pink and green.

• Stunning pink, cream & green variegated leaves
• Moving foliage!
• Can be challenging but will thrive with the right routine

Light: Thrives in medium to bright indirect light. Can tolerate low light conditions. Not suited for direct sun.

Water: Water every 1-2 weeks allowing soil to dry out about halfway between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light conditions. Will appreciate humidity.

Pet Friendly? Yes! This plant is non-toxic for your furry friends.


Succulents are the perfect low-maintenance plant for the budding plant enthusiast or the busy plant parent. They come in all shapes, sizes and colors, perfect for adding beautiful variety and texture to a sunny sill.

• Comes in a variety of sizes, shapes and colors
• Very low maintenance & perfect for beginners
• Prefers bright indirect light & water every 2 weeks

Light: These green babies thrive in bright direct light, but can tolerate bright, indirect light.

Water: Water every 2-3 weeks when the soil is completely dried out. If your plants are in direct light, plan to water more and less often in lower light

Pet Friendly? No. This plant is toxic to furry friends.

ZZ Plant

Probably one of the most approachable to beginners, ZZ Plants are extremely versatile and an oh-so intriguing addition to any space.

• Very approachable for beginner plant parents
• Highly adaptable to many light conditions
• Allow soil to dry out in between watering

Light: Thrives in medium to bright indirect light, but can tolerate low indirect light. Not suited for intense, direct sun.

Water: Water every 2-3 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

Pet Friendly? No. This plant is toxic to furry friends.

These are general care instructions. For more specific questions regarding plants and plant care, please call us at 214-522-9911.